Saturday, August 10, 2019

Satellite Communications

Satellite Communications :-

Image result for satellite communications systems
 In 1955, John R. Pierce proposed the use of satellites for communications. This proposal was preceded, however, by an earlier paper by Arthur C. Clark that was published in 1945, also proposing the idea of using an Earth-orbiting satellite as a relay point for communication between two Earth stations. In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik I, which transmitted telemetry signals for 21 days. This was followed shortly by the launching of Explorer I by the United States in 1958, which transmitted telemetry signals for about five months. A major experimental step in communications satellite technology was taken with the launching of Telstar I from Cape Canaveral on July 10, 1962. The Telstar satellite was built by Bell Laboratories, which had acquired considerable knowledge from pioneering work by Pierce. The satellite was capable of relaying TV programs across the Atlantic; this was made possible only through the use of maser receivers and large antennas.

Computer Networks

Computer Networks:-

Image result for the first electronic digital computerImage result for the first electronic digital computer
During the period 1943 to 1946, the first electronic digital computer, called the ENIAC, was built at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Pennsylvania under the technical direction of J. Presper Eckert, Jr., and John W. Mauchly. However, John von Neumann’s contributions were among the earliest and most fundamental to the theory, design, and application of digital computers, which go back to the first draft of a report written in 1945. Computers and terminals started communicating with each other over long distances in the early 1950s. The links used were initially voice-grade telephone channels operating at low speeds (300 to 1200 b/s). Various factors have contributed to a dramatic increase in data transmission rates; notable among them are the idea of adaptive equalization, pioneered by Robert Lucky in 1965, and efficient modulation techniques, pioneered by G. Ungerboeck in 1982. Another idea widely employed in computer communications is that of automatic repeat-request (ARQ). The ARQ method was originally devised by H. C. A. van Duuren during World War II and published in 1946. It was used to improve radio-telephony for telex transmission over long distances. From 1950 to 1970, various studies were made on computer networks. However, the most significant of them in terms of impact on computer communications was the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), first put into service in 1971. The development of ARPANET was sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the U. S. Department of Defense. The pioneering work in packet switching was done on ARPANET. In 1985, ARPANET was renamed the Internet. The turning point in the evolution of the Internet occurred in 1990 when Tim Berners-Lee proposed a hypermedia software interface to the Internet, which he named the World Wide Web. In the space of only about two years, the Web went from nonexistence to worldwide popularity, culminating in its commercialization in 1994. We may explain the explosive growth of the Internet by offering these reasons:

  •   Before the Web exploded into existence, the ingredients for its creation were already in place. In particular, thanks to VLSI, personal computers (PCs) had already become ubiquitous in homes throughout the world, and they were increasingly equipped with modems for interconnectivity to the outside world. 
  •  For about two decades, the Internet had grown steadily (albeit within a confined community of users), reaching a critical threshold of electronic mail and file transfer.
  •  Standards for document description and transfer, hypertext markup language (HTML), and hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) had been adopted.

Digital Communications

Digital Communications :-

Image result for Digital CommunicationsImage result for Digital Communications
In 1928, Harry Nyquist published a classic paper on the theory of signal transmission in telegraphy. In particular, Nyquist developed criteria for the correct reception of telegraph signals transmitted over dispersive channels in the absence of noise. Much of Nyquist’s early work was applied later to the transmission of digital data over dispersive channels. In 1937, Alex Reeves invented pulse-code modulation (PCM) for the digital encoding of speech signals. The technique was developed during World War II to enable the encryption of speech signals; indeed, a full-scale, 24-channel system was used in the field by the United States military at the end of the war. However, PCM had to await the discovery of the transistor and the subsequent development of large-scale integration of circuits for its commercial exploitation. The invention of the transistor in 1948 spurred the application of electronics to switching and digital communications. The motivation was to improve reliability, increase capacity, and reduce cost. The first call through a stored-program system was placed in March 1958 at Bell Laboratories, and the first commercial telephone service with digital switching began in Morris, Illinois, in June 1960. The first T-1 carrier system transmission was installed in 1962 by Bell Laboratories.



Image result for The first all-electronic television system was demonstrated by Philo T. Farnsworth in 1928, and then by Vladimir K. Zworykin in 1929. By 1939, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) was broadcasting television on a commercial basis.Image result for The first all-electronic television          The first all-electronic television system was demonstrated by Philo T. Farnsworth in 1928, and then by Vladimir K. Zworykin in 1929. By 1939, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) was broadcasting television on a commercial basis.



Image result for In 1904, John Ambrose Fleming invented the vacuum-tube diodeIn 1904, John Ambrose Fleming invented the vacuum-tube diode, which paved the way for the invention of the vacuum-tube triode by Lee de Forest in 1906. The discovery of the triode was instrumental in the development of transcontinental telephony in 1913 and signaled the dawn of wireless voice communications. Indeed, until the invention and perfection of the transistor, the triode was the supreme device for the design of electronic amplifiers. The transistor was invented in 1948 by Walter H. Brattain, John Bardeen, and William Shockley at Bell Laboratories. The first silicon integrated circuit (IC) was produced by Robert Noyce in 1958. These landmark innovations in solid-state devices and integrated circuits led to the development of very-large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuits and singlechip microprocessors, and with them the nature of signal processing and the telecommunications industry changed forever.



Image result for In 1875, the telephone
In 1875, the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, a teacher of the deaf. The telephone made real-time transmission of speech by electrical encoding and replication of sound a practical reality. The first version of the telephone was crude and weak, enabling people to talk over short distances only. When telephone service was only a few years old, interest developed in automating it. Notably, in 1897, A. B. Strowger, an undertaker from Kansas City, Missouri, devised the automatic step-by-step switch that bears his name. Of all the electromechanical switches devised over the years, the Strowger switch was the most popular and widely used.



Image result for Armstrong’s paper making the case for FM radio was published in 1936.
                In 1864, James Clerk Maxwell formulated the electromagnetic theory of light and predicted the existence of radio waves; the underlying set of equations bears his name. The existence of radio waves was confirmed experimentally by Heinrich Hertz in 1887. In 1894, Oliver Lodge demonstrated wireless communication over a relatively short distance (150 yards). Then, on December 12, 1901, Guglielmo Marconi received a radio signal at Signal Hill in Newfoundland; the radio signal had originated in Cornwall, England, 1700 miles away across the Atlantic. The way was thereby opened toward a tremendous broadening of the scope of communications. In 1906, Reginald Fessenden, a self-educated academic, made history by conducting the first radio broadcast. In 1918, Edwin H. Armstrong invented the superheterodyne radio receiver; to this day, almost all radio receivers are of this type. In 1933, Armstrong demonstrated another revolutionary concept—namely, a modulation scheme that he called frequency modulation (FM). Armstrong’s paper making the case for FM radio was published in 1936.



Image result for Telegraph             The telegraph was perfected by Samuel Morse, a painter. With the words “What hath God wrought,” transmitted by Morse’s electric telegraph between Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Maryland, in 1844, a completely revolutionary means of real-time, long-distance communications was triggered. The telegraph, ideally suited for manual keying, is the forerunner of digital communications. Specifically, the Morse code is a variable-length code using an alphabet of four symbols: a dot, a dash, a letter space, and a word space; short sequences represent frequent letters, whereas long sequences represent infrequent letters.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Construction Of Generator

Construction of generator:-

               In figures is shown a single turn rectangular copper coil ABCD rotating about its own axis in a magnetic field provide by either permanent magnet is or electromagnetics.Related imageRelated image
The two ends of the coil are joined two slip rings a and b which are insulated from each other end from the centre shaft. 

Genaretor Principles


         An electric generator is a machine which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy (or power).
The energy conversion is based on the principle of the production of the dynamically induced e.m.f.As seen from figure whenever a conductor cuts magnetic flux, dynamically induced EMF is produced in it according to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. This e.m.f. causes a current to flow if the conductor circuit is closed.

Hence, two basic essential part of an electrical generator are (1) a magnetic field and (2) contact for conductor which can move as cut the flux. 

Tripura tourist attractions

Tripura is a land of rich cultural heritage, natural beauty and historical monuments. Whether you are looking for a spiritual retreat, an ad...