Satellite Communications :-

In 1955, John R. Pierce proposed the use of satellites for communications. This proposal was preceded, however, by an earlier paper by Arthur C. Clark that was published in 1945, also proposing the idea of using an Earth-orbiting satellite as a relay point for communication between two Earth stations. In 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik I, which transmitted telemetry signals for 21 days. This was followed shortly by the launching of Explorer I by the United States in 1958, which transmitted telemetry signals for about five months. A major experimental step in communications satellite technology was taken with the launching of Telstar I from Cape Canaveral on July 10, 1962. The Telstar satellite was built by Bell Laboratories, which had acquired considerable knowledge from pioneering work by Pierce. The satellite was capable of relaying TV programs across the Atlantic; this was made possible only through the use of maser receivers and large antennas.
Nice sir