Friday, July 13, 2018


Computer in modern life - purpose of internet - its magical power - search engines: Google, Yahoo etc.-provide solution - serving as dictionary - use of mouse tap, keyboard - gather knowledge - different wedsites - conclusion.

Modarn life has become imposible without computer. But computer without an internet link only serves some limited purposes. Once the link is procured the entire world opens up before one's eyes like a magic. The searce engines like Google and Yahoo are ready to provide answer to any question. It is thus serving as dictionary-cum-encyclopaedia. With just a click on the mouse, or a tap st the key board, one can gather khowledge. The internet takes us to different websites, those of flim, music, literary archives, social networking and games etc. But like anything else the internet too has its evil aspect. Sometimes vulgar and unethical matters are also available on the internet, and it is dangerous for teenagers.

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